Local 825's Family of Funds
The Local 825 Family of Funds includes five funds designed to help you stay healthy and build a strong financial future.
Use the links below to learn more about each Fund, locate providers, obtain SPDs and forms, and for important updates.

Remember to periodically review your beneficiary designations.
Subject to spousal rights, your death benefits are payable to your last-named beneficiary, regardless of what may be in your will. We've seen lawsuits because, under the terms of the Plan, a benefit is payable to a participant's former spouse, fiancée or beneficiary if they are so named. So be sure to update your designations if your circumstances change.
If you no longer remember whom you previously named as your beneficiary, send a written and signed request to the Funds Office. We'll send you your beneficiary designations on file and provide you with new beneficiary designation forms to make a change.
For more information
Call the Funds Office at (973) 671-6800.